Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Hi. Hello there ...its been a while. Ive got a lot to fill you in on....not really just a bunch of nonsense. I FINALLY hung up my blue scrub & traded it in for a color more suitable for me thats another story for another time.
On a much happier note i am now working at Donut Friend in Highland park, it pays well & we get cash tips + electronic tips. I couldn't be any happier. The staff i work with is very friendly & they've been really patient with me during my training. Also on my second day Jessicka Addams walked in, & i had a brief conversation with her ! She's always so kind & sweet.

       Other good news we have a new furball at the house of Mcmittens ^_^ she is tiny & grey & her name is church but i keep calling her Earl Grey...that might change so? She's about 8-10 weeks & has already destroyed one pair of earphones,peed on my bed, peed on a clean Halloween pair of tights i own.Mcmittens has learned to tolerate her, hes been through different cats, as for Bubbachee hes an asshole & still continues to growl/hiss at her.

Also Mcmittens 11th birthday is coming up this year on the 27th most likely won't celebrate till the 28th. I can't believe its been 11 years & it doesnt seem like hes slowing down anytime soon the little brat continues to start his mornings protesting in the kitchen, followed by a nap & then visiting every room in the apartment to hangout & see which fan is blowing more hair. He'll occasionally meow to go outside but we live on the second floor the farthest he gets is the elevator. I'm an overprotective cat mom! What can i say? Aren't we all?

I've been currently obsessed with Bee & Puppycat, anything pumpkin treats,veganism & staying sober. For now at least i feel less bloated my skin has gotten better & im sure my liver is fucking thankful.

Me this past Thursday for the monster exhibit at the natural history museum with none other than my favorite universal monster...creech! Creature from the black lagoon 💚

Eddie was kind enough to lend me his puppycat comics so look at ALL these!!!! I will probably not give them back! HA! 

On my first day at Donut friend i got to taste this delicious spicy coleslaw chik'n burger from Vegan Hooligans it was soooo delicious! Thats another pro the food vendors around there are all vegan & ahhh which makes it so hard to decide on one thing. 

This was free lunch provided by the company on deep cleaning day! 
It was a bacon chik'n sandwich
..the bacon was made out of coconut! Tasted sweet but also very different! Sadlyl i didn't get the name of the vegan restaurant I'll be sure to ask them today.

Anyways...i hope your October is going well & full of exciting spooky events! 🎃 
I have two shows this week & Queen Marys dark harbor possibly haunted hayride next week cause why nawt? Next week is Halloween. 
Oh October you were so good to me this year, vegas, shows, spooky donuts, consuming endless amount of oatmilk, meeting new people. Dancing into the night, & going to the movies. 

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Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....                   (Inside the miracle o...