Friday, November 1, 2019

Goodbye Spooky season ...hello Orange & yellow leaves.

....and just like that another Halloween gone by. I spent it sick in bed watching spooky films & hanging with the meows. Mr.Kitty felt bad so he brought me food. Our plans to go out that night were canceled & today i started my day off at the doctors.. 3 needles later... They couldnt find my vein so they ended up poking me in 3 different spots. I felt guilty calling off from work & this is completely my fault for waiting and not going in for my problem sooner. I've got my pills & plenty of naps. 
This afternoon my cuddle bud is Church the grey kitten.Every day that passes she gets a teeny bit bigger. I was at Rite Aid earlier today & i saw all the Thanksgiving decor & Xmas & realized shoot the next two months are gonna fly by & before you know it it'll be new year! Its intense! 
& here i am trying to figure things out... 

Anyways till next time. 

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Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....                   (Inside the miracle o...