Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Here its December ...everyday.

December has arrived ... Being back to working retail makes this both exciting & a little stressful. Im psyched though.
Starting next week im back to full time, five days a week! ^_^
I've been seeing everyone going to buy early Christmas presents, their carts filled with wrapping paper, egg nog & bottles of wine. And then i clock out and end up going to fill my cart with wine & bourban...premade star wars cookies and cat wine...who am I?
P.s. note to self buy bourban & root beer next time.

I went to see Frozen 2 on opening day at the El Capitan theater. There was magic in the air! The smell of popcorn & pastries ugh! I loved it all. Baby Slut aka (swamp monster < can't call him that anymore its played out man) was kind enough to join me for this long awaited premier!
The songs & the story line i felt were more interesting in this one than the first one. Olaf hilarious as always & Anna has got to be my favorite character shes so funny & witty.They kept talking about the 4 elements which left me with one question..are they of pagan descent? Mmmhh.. Right?

My friend Ziggy surprised me the other day at work with her appearance & a neat gift! A white spiderweb cardigan 💙 i dont think i own anything in white. I cannot wait to wear it.

There is one thing that i do wanna do before the year ends & that is go to Disneyland! I went last year with link aka Angry Roxy ...she made me get on the incredibles coaster & the avengers ride ..that moment youre too scared you end up holding hands with a complete stranger!
Anyways i was contacted by my old job the dog place this is the second time they contact me to come back. I figured its because they dont have the knowledge to train a new employee. Its sad really.
They are still loosing clients....

In happier news i did stop by today to drop off my cousins late bday gift & to say hi to Roxy.
I did get to see two doggos Bo & Finnley Moon. I was told a favorite of mine Captain Skrimps has returned ! Ahhh i kid you nawt if that dog was a kid he'd be very kept to himself & definately a teacher's pet.

Any new years resolutions?
Mine would be write more, read more, hang with your friends more & make new friends.

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Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....                   (Inside the miracle o...