Sunday, August 11, 2019


.....I am typing this while i'm at work for an 8 hour shift on a Sunday, ( i got the itch to write a short blog) I'm on 2 maybe 3 hours of sleep. I have the Beth Ditto station blasting through the speaker & the newest interview with Laura Jane Grace in the background while i wait for mah coffees! Yesterday was quite the adventure, my friend the Swamp Monsta & I had the privilege of recording the set of Teenage Goo Goo Muck at the american legion in Bell Gardens (by the way they are a CRAMPS cover band) if you haven't check them out they are really great live ! also they play very often & the peeps are super kind. That was fun, i had never recorded with an actual camera before. I really hope they like the footage we tried to move around as much as we could getting glimpses of each member and the audience dancing. Grim the singer hooked us up with free t shirts after the show ^_^
                              Let me rewind a little bit, before arriving to the show we went for some last minute Halloween hunting at Marshalls, we killed two birds with one stone dinner & looking for spooky goodies.I walked outta there with the most adorable mummy mug, kitties in Halloween costumes tumblr, a candy corn bow tie for my Mcmittens ^_^ (Halloween photo shoots will commence next month) & the most perfect Halloween Snoopy blanket, its grey and it has Snoopys in a mummy costume and a skeleton costume.We both got one because? Peanuts...& why the fuck nawt? couldn't pass up this deal...

We tried to go to Applebee's that didn't work out they had a long line so we ended up at this noodle place where the food was delicious, & he was showing me Youtube videos while we ate in the car.We ended up at rite aid after cause we had to buy booze for tomorrow which is today & we came upon the most marvelous delicious alcohol discovery...ya guise ready for this?!? liver is still trying to process how smooth that whiskey was ...its called Skrewball it has a sheep logo in the front followed by the words (PEANUT BUTTER WHISKEY)  "Tomorrows stories begin right here". I am telling YOU..its delicious and dangerous so so smooth and it smells and tastes delicious. I can picture every writer owning a bottle of this while having those late nights of nonstop writing & working on the best story ever and hanging out with their 3 cats ... I am craving a night like that.

Another highlight of the night was meeting Swamps pin up model looking sister & her hilarious boyfriend! What great company they were ! I'm usually REALLY friggin awkward when meeting new people.It takes me a while i get a mix of anxiety,socially awkward but at the same time excited cause yay! new friends. His sister has this amazing ability to control an entire room of people i was left amazed by her presence and speechless at some of the interesting stories they shared with me.
So many stories before ya know it we found ourselves sitting at a NORMS eating breakfast food, at 3 am feeling like the night was never going to end.
Swamp drove them home & then we stumbled home, while StarCrawlers "Pet Sematary" played in the background.
Which leads to the next adventure the Hollywood Forever Cemetery they are having the Johnny Ramone tribute & a screening of WARRIORS. I've always wanted to attend but i would either miss out when it was, too broke or simply didn't have anyone to go with.Without even thinking i hauled ass to purchase tickets and that's what i'm doing after work.

How is your Summer going?
Halloween blankets,books,naps, AC, picking up extra shifts,,Caramel Popcorn,booze,lots of iced coffee.going to the movies often is whats getting me through this not so depressing Summer.
I recently finished Tranny, and now i'm half way through The Lady from the Black Lagoon, i'm taking my time reading it because! i'm absorbing it & i'm enjoying learning about Milicent Patrick.
I also started Lydia Lunch's book its a super short read ! I recommend.
For now i'm putting together a Zine based on my Summer adventures..i gave myself a deadline and i'm going to have it out on the last day of Summer so stay tune for that. I'll most likely be giving out free copies. I'm doing this reading challenge i found on the reading glasses podcast, if you haven't give them a listen.It's hosted by Mallory O'meara author of the lady from the black lagoon & Brea Grant who's an actress she came out in HEROES & she's also a writer.Every week they do a new episode and they talk about at least 5-10 books. coffee is finally here...gonna go start working now before i get a write up...

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Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....                   (Inside the miracle o...