Sunday, November 10, 2019


Here's a cute photo of someone's mini donut order from work. ^_^ if you haven't you should stop by & try the yellow carrot donut plus the coffee & cambria its soooooo delicious & now by thinking about it im having a drooling Homer moment.
I dont have much to say today but uhhh..
I get to have the next 3 days off i believe. ^_^
I'm starving & it's been a little more than a month since I've been sober.
Like i said in my old entry my skin looks great, I'm not bloated & its nice to wake up without my head throbbing.
Last night i was at a show Peter Hook & the light & i enjoyed myself, got to hear some joy division & new order material. Scoring free tickets is my latest trend! It actually works!
What more can i tell you?
The weather is finally starting to feel less hot,  & going to the grocery store and seeing all the thanksgiving food on sale is kinda exciting.
I'm determined to have a vegan thanksgiving this time around. I've been up since 10 am ...looking at recipes. Home cooking at home has become another thing we've been doing lately. It saves money & we don't waste 40 - 50 bucks a night.
I do miss the late dinners at Ten Ramen .....

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Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....                   (Inside the miracle o...