Monday, December 23, 2019

Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....

(Inside the miracle on Melrose Christmas pop up bar)

Last nights outing was exactly what i needed. Nor Baby Slut <3 & I are big on Xmas...BUT its our first December together & we decided to get in the spirit...lately hes been sending me a bunch of photos of Xmas ornaments & i thought? Waiiiit...are you like? Asking me if i wanna like decorate a tiny tree with you?!? Lets DO IT! Like i stated in my previous post i was looking at these holiday drinks on Yelp all weekend long...looking forward to trying them!


This stop at the Melrose bar was completely unplanned & he had me at..."they serve a drink in a T-REX mug"  Let me tell soon as we walked in the play list was EVERYTHINGt it was great. Blink followed by Green Day,No doubt, Fleetwood Mac. I will admit the decor was simple & sounds cheesy but i felt like i was in the north pole man. Every one at the bar was smiling,the staff was soooo friendly, they were happy to be there & that just made the experience all together friendly & Fun. One of our servers had an Elliot Smith tattoo & Baby Slut noticed & the server who's name was Rocco, his face lit up ! That feeling when someone notices something you have on whether its a t-shirt,a tattoo or? A purse will never get old.

                                Look its a photo of Krampus and Saint Nick! HA.
                         I was trying to hide my tummy in this photo and it kinda worked :) this was taken in the back room ..its a tiny room,with about? maybe? 13 christmas trees and a few tables its more intimate and private than the first room.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cat in a clown outfit.

                                                                     ~ Quick update ~ 

Things are slowly getting back to normal, I'm sitting at work,listening to Sagittarian Matters I swear I could listen to Nicole talk ALL day about vegan recipes, offering dating advice or her awesome dog Ponyo. I got the blogging itch, I've got my caramel brulee, I finally bought the foundation that doesn't break me out gnarly and make me look like my 14 year old self in High acne was worst.What can i say ? Life is good. I don't have any days off so, I apologize to those in advance that have asked me to hangout and i unfortunately am too exhausted or would rather stay in but I promise i'll be better about that.
It's the last three weeks of the year.... My only goals is to fix my hair, buy new crystals for my altar, finish this new zine.It's been three months since the last time I got REALLY wasted. That might change tonight! if you are looking for something Chrismassy to do, the here & now bar in downtown is doing this Christmas pop up all month long. I've been looking at the drinks on Yelp the past few days i'm so psyched again this is what happens when you're at work all day you daydream about the weekend and the hell you'll be putting your poor liver through.
                                       This past Friday Baby Slut <3 took me to a show at the Belasco theater, I had never been,such a fancy looking venue. Anyway he scored tickets for $6 bucks on stub hub to see Touche Amore & La Dispute. I had seen Touche earlier this year and I couldn't believe how wild people still get at shows wild I got kicked in the face. I had never seen La Dispute but i survived both sets without getting shoved by any of those scary looking bearded dudes, ya know the ones you can tell are there to fuck up somebody? yeah those. I'm not into either of these bands but it was a fun experience and something different, different energy and the crowd gets really into it! I like going to see bands I've never seen even if i'm not into it. Just being in that environment and watching a live band play is therapeutic for me.I like to listen to the lyrics and look really into it what where they going through when they wrote this? what does it mean? I also like hearing the back story and how old where they? what brought them together! There's a back story for everything.
Lets continue...
 We met up with Baby Slut's friend, i can't pronounce his name so when we got home i told baby slut that i'd call him "Aristocat".We went for Ramen after the show, i tried this delicious beer, don't recall the name but the can was blue and it had an owl on it,the waiter recommended it. Shout out to our waiter!
My favorite part of the night was walking through downtown LA at midnight and looking up at the pretty buildings and the fog. It was like a scene from a movie! let me rephrase that ...that's what Gotham City would look like.

The Fur Children are great. Church my youngest is getting chubbier...and i'm a believer once more that she DOES HAVE FAT CAT potential. Her face is beginning to look more like a british short hair...mmmh..only time will tell.Pictures to come next blog.

                                             anyway ...Happy Holidays.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Here its December ...everyday.

December has arrived ... Being back to working retail makes this both exciting & a little stressful. Im psyched though.
Starting next week im back to full time, five days a week! ^_^
I've been seeing everyone going to buy early Christmas presents, their carts filled with wrapping paper, egg nog & bottles of wine. And then i clock out and end up going to fill my cart with wine & bourban...premade star wars cookies and cat wine...who am I?
P.s. note to self buy bourban & root beer next time.

I went to see Frozen 2 on opening day at the El Capitan theater. There was magic in the air! The smell of popcorn & pastries ugh! I loved it all. Baby Slut aka (swamp monster < can't call him that anymore its played out man) was kind enough to join me for this long awaited premier!
The songs & the story line i felt were more interesting in this one than the first one. Olaf hilarious as always & Anna has got to be my favorite character shes so funny & witty.They kept talking about the 4 elements which left me with one question..are they of pagan descent? Mmmhh.. Right?

My friend Ziggy surprised me the other day at work with her appearance & a neat gift! A white spiderweb cardigan 💙 i dont think i own anything in white. I cannot wait to wear it.

There is one thing that i do wanna do before the year ends & that is go to Disneyland! I went last year with link aka Angry Roxy ...she made me get on the incredibles coaster & the avengers ride ..that moment youre too scared you end up holding hands with a complete stranger!
Anyways i was contacted by my old job the dog place this is the second time they contact me to come back. I figured its because they dont have the knowledge to train a new employee. Its sad really.
They are still loosing clients....

In happier news i did stop by today to drop off my cousins late bday gift & to say hi to Roxy.
I did get to see two doggos Bo & Finnley Moon. I was told a favorite of mine Captain Skrimps has returned ! Ahhh i kid you nawt if that dog was a kid he'd be very kept to himself & definately a teacher's pet.

Any new years resolutions?
Mine would be write more, read more, hang with your friends more & make new friends.

Jolly bars,cigarrettes.....fake lashes i feel pretty tonight.

Is this rum ? Or whiskey? Ehhh doesn't matter its going to fuck up your liver anyway.....                   (Inside the miracle o...